Technology Standard.

When operating a video camera I believe I did well considering I did not have a tripod to steady each shot. Each shot does not move or quiver greatly and is relatively steady. Although the camera I was using was not of high definition, the content of each shot overcomes this unfortunate factor.
Composing each shot was relatively easy, as the content of each scene was not difficult to shoot. As the story was simple, the placement of each object/person in each frame did not require much effort. After filming was done I realised I did not follow a lot of the original story board, much to my dismay. This was unintentional.
I used different sounds to that found in the original takes, sounds downloaded off of the internet eg crowd cheering, chants etc to further emphasize the idea of a sense of dreaming(the boy fantasizes about being in a stadium hence the sounds of crowds cheering). There was little to no dialogue used throughout the film.
I had difficulty importing video files from both my SD card and USB stick. When I came to edit my film on my home computer(starting it at school) my files appeared corrupt and would not import. This not only included raw footage but an unpublished compilation of the film.
I used no sound effects in my film, neither did I create music for it.
The software I used to create my film was Microsoft Movie Maker as I did not know how to use Adobe Premier and because I did not allow myself enough time to learn how to use it. Movie Maker provided enough for me to create my film. Importing my video clips was easy enough, along with with the audio clips. It was not much of a challenge.

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