I thought the exams were alright. I decided to focus on the Genre essay rather than the other one as I was not here when the information was given out and found it hard to understand the notes that I had been given. Maybe I should have asked the Kazimi but...You could help me study for the other paper? I can't remember what the proper name is called. My bad. I believe I spent an hour planning and the next 2 writing the essay itself. I realised with ten minutes to go that I did not make any reference to the topic question after I described, and analysed the convention I was writing about. If I didn't spend so much time writing the first half of the essay I could have linked my answer to the question strongly and could have GAINED AN EXCELLENCE. Maybe. I didn't use any quotes that is another thing. I should have studied quotes and expert opinions more. A mistake I am not willing to make in the future. I AM VERY SORRY MS KAZIMI THAT I DID NOT WRITE A LOT ON MY SECOND ESSAY. It's because I'm going to get an excellence for it after I've done it at the end of the year :D For the end of year exams I am going to study weeks in advance prior to the exam - WAIT, I'M STUDYING NOW. Mwuaha, see I am the NO.1 Student.

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