
The most positive aspect of the production for me was the pre production. I planned my whole film well, both hand written/drawn and electronically. It did not help that I changed my idea completely  day before the first check point but I coped well and my planning was quite good. My posts on the Genre Concept, which can be found here and the Production treatment here is an example of the work I put into in the pre production task.  I also enjoyed filming the film as the conditions were right, and the actor was a pleasure to work with. The filming itself was joyful as I imagined what the final project would look like after every few shots, picturing it in my mind. I enjoyed the pre production of the film as well as the filming itself.
I could have managed my time better as I left my editing very late, and did not use the proper software for the editing task. A timetable and schedule of what I was to do each week would have been wise in ensuring I completed my tasks well in the time frame with time to spare before the deadline.
If I was to keep a timetable of when to do each task the final product may have looked different in that the editing would not have look rushed and average looking. As well as the editing a timetable may have been effective right from the beginning, helping me in getting a better camera, or allowing me to learn how to use the  Adobe Premier program. A timetable would have been most effective in ensuring my film looked its best and did not have minor mistakes that may have occurred.

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