Genre Concept.

1. "The Pitch"
2. Sense of dreaming; the young boy(main character) has a flashforward vision of himself being a professional footballer. Daydreaming of walking out of a tunnel hearing the roars of the crowd. Fantasizing.
3. Help make aspiring footballers feel inspired, motivated etc to 'follow their dreams' as well as other young sportspeople to work at their game and to strive to become a proffessional sportspeople.
4. Want to draw in the audience and male them feel one with the boy, making them see what he sees.
5. Overall story:
 A boy striving to play football proffessional football who trains continuosly on one pitch, THE PITCH.

  • Boy(main character)
  • Old man 
 Opening: It's morning in winter and a young boy (early teens) is getting ready to train. While in the changing rooms the boy fantasizes about getting ready for a proffessional football match, hearing the crowd roar and chant. Just as he walks out of the room, the image fades as he hears the an old man shout out to him and he's back outside in the cold frost.

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