(ii) Sound.

The opening scene of 'The Limey' is a mix of Non-diegetic and Diegetic sound, meaning the sound in the opening scene consists of sound existing in the world of the film, and sound that has been added to create mood and feeling appropriate to the intended meaning of the scene. The sound of an airoplane flying overhead can be heard at the start of the scene, once the disembodied voice ceases talking. This gives the viewer an idea of arrival or departure, which they keep in mind throughout watching the opening scene.
By having the sound, particularly of the airoplane at the start of the scene ensures that the viewer is to keep in mind of arrival or departure, or even travel. The sound of the plane, accompanied with the begining of the song 'The Seeker' also helps the viewer to think of someone searching, departing to look for something(whether it be information or a person), or arriving at a new destination. The air of arrival or departure is emphasized as the sound of an airoplane flying overhead can be heard at the right time in the opening scene.
In addition, as the film fits into the neo-noir genre, the sound of the plane, (along with the intense monologue at the start) helps the viewer decide whether the disembodied voice is searching for "Jenny", by arriving at a destination to search for clues about her. While at the same time the viewer may also think this might be some sort of flash back(the monologue) and the character may be departing. Because the sound of a plane flying overhead can signify more than one thing, the viewer is left to interpret what the sound signifies/means. This form of Diegetic, and Non-diegetic sound(of a plane flying), is used effectively in the opening scene of 'The Limey'.

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