(i) Music.

The music in the opening scene of 'The Limey' is a form of Non-diegetic sound, meaning the music is added into the scene to create mood and feeling appropriate to the intended meaning of the scene. The song that plays throughout the opening scene of 'The Limey', sung by the sixties band 'The Who', is named 'The Seeker', which links directly to the main character, who appears right through the sceneto be searching or 'seeking' clues to a woman(later to be revealed as his daughter)'s suspicious death. The song plays once the darkness at the beginning has subsided, right through until the end of the scene, where the middle aged man pulls out a newspaper clipping. The placement of the song is significant as it helps start the scene effectively, and also accompanies the other sounds heard at the begining. The mememorable guitar introduction helps place the viewer in a mood filled with excitement, along with the monologue heard before, which helps to create tension, excitement, and mysteriousness. The music along with its lyrics helps us to form a sort of idea, of what is happening in the scene, lyrics such as:
" They call me the Seeker,
I've been searching low and high,"
This indicates that the unnamed man is searching for something, or someone. Immediately the viewer begins to think about why the man is searching, or what he is searching for, or ultimately if the woman, "Jenny" mentioned at the start of the scene links with the man and his searching. This idea of searching, seeking seems evident.
Furthermore, the music also makes up, in a way, for the lack of dialogue throughout the opening. The song performed by the sixties band accompanies the scenes that follow the foreign man as he arrives at the airport, sets out and settles in a motel.
The last line of the song "I'm a really desperate man" plays out, and stops abruptly, just as we see the man pull out a newspaper clipping labled "Woman Dies on Mulholland". It seems that the man, who has travelled, presumley from England(as we see him with a British passport), is searching for the woman who had died, and is "a desperate man" as he has travelled a long way to find out about the information regarding the woman's death. The music seems to dictate what is happening, or what the man is thinking, doing, so as the viewer can understand the film better.
The music accompanies the opening scene of 'The Limey' nicely, as it helps the viewer experience the type of mood, and air of mysteriousness the director intended to be in the film, and also helps the viewer understand the opening. The music, the song "The Seeker" performed by 'The Who', is used effectively in the opening scene of 'The Limey'.

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