Well now, this assessment seems pretty cool. In my interesting Media Studies class, we are to write about an opening scene of a film, basically writing what it is about, what shots were used, the effects etc (I think - must check up on that), and critiquing...? 

A film I am planning on doing, Ms Kazimi, is called 'Once Upon a Time in the West' directed by Sergio Leone and starring Charles Bronson, Claudia Cardinale, Jason Robards and Henry Fonda. Oh, and it is rated 8.8 OUT OF 10. Woah. The highest since I saw 'The Godfather's' (with the late great Marlon Brando. THE MAN.) Recommended to me by my lovely older sister, it is said that the opening scene is a great one. HERE IS A LINK, LADIES AND GENTLEMEN --> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Once_Upon_a_Time_in_the_West AND ANOTHER http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0064116/

Another movie I am thinking of doing is called 'The Limey' directed by Steven Soderbergh, which stars Terence Stamp (another awesome fellow) and Peter Fonda('Easy Rider'). The opening scene in this movie is pretty sweet, as it has The Who playing and shots of Stamp, who always looks 'cool'. This film, is a very hip one, and one i enjoyed. YES YOU WANT A LINK --> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Limey AND ONE MORE http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0165854/

My darling sister also recommended 'Trainspotting' which stars a young Ewan McGregor, and which is about drugs in the lives of young men, set in Edinburgh. LINK http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0117951/ 

I've also thought of Goodfellas, The Dark Knight (although I want to stay away from trilogies...), I've seen the opening scene of Touch of Evil (which is all one shot, and stars Charlton Heston as a Mexican cop), The Godfather, Apocalypse Now, WALL-E! Pulp Fiction? 28 Weeks Later, Fight Club, Easy Rider, 'DAZED AND CONFUSED, The Incredibles, Children of Men, 300, Hard Days Night (just because George Harrison falls over, that made me laugh when I saw it), The Lion King...

Yeah. There are a few on my mind...


  1. What a fantastic collection of different film openings that you had to choose from! It's great to see that you have such a wide and interesting knowledge of film and your blog looks fantastic. Even if your avatar is a little scary... :)

  2. Arr, I be thankin' ye. Wharrt arr ye tryin' ter say? Me avatar be awesome. ;D
